Colour therapy was first used by the Ancient Egyptians, who discovered that, when a specific colour was concentrated on the body healing occurred at deep levels. Healing rooms decorated with crystals where painted with a specific colour, to treat illness and dis-ease. The Egyptians understood that each colour vibrates at a different frequency or speed, and has the ability to heal and align energy imbalances which have become blocked/trapped in the physical body or in the auric field. These blocks if left untreated can create disturbances in the body.
Colour can show us how we are functioning, what our patterns are and what areas in our lives need addressing and attention. Sometimes the colour which presents itself and its meaning may be obvious, and others come as a surprise. A variety of Colour Therapy accessories are used within the treatment as appropriate. The presenting colour (the one you need) can then be integrated through mediation, food, clothing and essences to bring inner balance and empowerment.
A colour bath involves using one colour in various forms. Each layer of this one colour is gently introduced to create a bathing effect around the physical body and deep into the auric field.
Colour therapy is a natural compliment to Crystal healing and works very well when combined with Reiki or Flower essence healing. Colour healing treatments are usually offered as a tailored well being session.
Prices start from £85.00 and are dependent on the combination and duration of session.
You will receive full details and information about the suggested Well being treatment plan that you require. If you are happy with the plan and would like to book, a free telephone consultation is carried out before your first session. Each session is between 90 minutes and 2 hours.