When we receive repetitive thoughts and feelings about an idea or find ourselves constantly day/night dreaming about something we feel instinctively drawn to do, we are receiving Divine inspiration, Divine guidance and prompts from our higher selves. We are being asked to pay attention! Take them as signals. These visions and ideas are an important and significant aspect of our purpose for being here. They are part of our journey and calling.

At this stage, these dreams have an energy that is similar to the Tarot cards of the Page of Pentacles, Page of Wands and the Page of Cups. They are fragile and in their infancy. They need to be nurtured so that the acorn/seed planted in the page of Pentacles (Earth) can grow into an Oak tree or become a blossoming plant. The creative spark ignited in the Page of Wands can be fanned into a roaring fire. The cup of water in the Page of cups can flow into a river of artistic or emotional fulfilment/contentment. We need to tend to our dreams with diligent nurturing action to make them grow and manifest into their complete form. To achieve that, the seeds we plant have to take root and flourish.

Sharing our dreams and vision for our life with others is natural. We want to know that our close friends and family are supportive of our goals and aspirations. The trouble is, that when we expose our heartfelt passions to others at this delicate stage, their reactions can easily crush the fledgeling sapling, blow out the flame or muddy our feelings about it. Some people mean well with their concerns, but they are coming from a place of fear. Others feel threatened by our bravery, which may lead to jealousy and envy. Some people might laugh, say we are crazy or think we're being ridiculous. By the time we know it, we have allowed others to negatively project onto our dreams, we have absorbed the nay-sayers negative mind set and talked ourselves out of courageously following our vision.  

The vision was given to you, for you. If others can't comprehend or understand it, they are not meant to because it wasn't intended for them! Your dreams are precious. Protect them. No need to explain or inform others about what you're working on manifesting. Quietly and diligently tend to them behind the scenes. When they start to take hold, push themselves into the physical and are well established, then feel confident about spreading the word.